Saturday, March 16, 2013


Activities - 200+ Activites for Ages 1-5

The first randomly selected activity for my Random Pinterest project was actually a list of 200+ activities from the Play Create Explore blog.  A whole lot of wow and a little bit of overload here!

This list is GREAT!  Lots of really cool and fun things to do.  I need another random number generator to get some of these projects lined up on the to-do list.  Geez!

I went through the list and found one that spoke to me directly: an outdoor pretend play clothesline.  Here is the picture from the Play Create Explore blog:

I am all about getting my little one to help out with the chores whenever she can.  She sees it as a game and I can get some work done while also entertaining her, teaching her the importance of routine chores, and teaching her valuable lessons as well.  Total win-win.

We usually hang our clothes out to dry on the line.  So, for us this wasn't pretend play, this was real work!  I hung a new line a bit lower so she could easily reach it and she went right to work hanging up her laundry to dry while I hung up the rest.  Wow!  Thank you so much for the idea guys!  This has been a wonderful activity.

Til next time!


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